Cancelled due to the heat - rescheduled for Aug 3
This event will be canceled if the temperature on August 3 is 90° or above.
The CROC Training committee is offering short courses for members on Wednesday evenings in July, so that new course designers can design courses, and all members can have fun orienteering at parks in Portland. This year, all four course designers have had some experience.
Short Courses are meant to be fun and easy to put on. There are no fees, no results, no e-punch, no choice of course - just fun.
Times are 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
Thanks to the tireless work of Virginia Church, CROC has a new urban map in close-in Portland. Come zig zag your way around the Rose Quarter plaza where stairs, parking lots and planters will transform into an interesting and new-to-you orienteering venue. Expect a map exchange or two on this 1:4,000 scale area.
To register: Please sign up here by Aug 2.
For questions or suggestions, contact course setter Abra McNair or