About CROC
About CROC
The Columbia River Orienteering Club (CROC), founded in 1990, is a Portland, Oregon based club dedicated to enjoying and promoting the international sport of orienteering.
We believe the sport of orienteering is for everyone. Our events are open to anyone interested in participating, and we invite those interested in advancing our mission to volunteer in our organization. We strive to offer events and trainings built upon respect and inclusivity.
For more than two decades, our all-volunteer club has put on hundreds of orienteering events and introduced thousands of people to the sport. CROC has most of its events in local, regional and state parks, and federally owned land managed by the BLM and US Forest Service. We greatly value our long-time partnerships with these agencies.
CROC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. The CROC governing board meets quarterly. Minutes of board meetings are posted below.
The Year in Review
A presentation of events, highlights and photos from our annual member party. (Files are PDF, on Google Drive, and will open in a new window.)
Current Club Officers
President - Marsha Holliday
Vice President Planning - Mike Bruns
Vice President Events - Michael Reid and Carrie Leonard
Secretary/Membership /Treasurer - Alison Stone
Mapping Coordinator - Tony Pinkham
Training Coordinator - Anndy Wiselogle
Youth Coordinator - Mike Bruns
Volunteer Coordinator - Mike Holliday
Results Coordinator - Mike Holliday
Newsletter - Beth Wendland
Publicity/Marketing Coordinator - John Crowther
Epunch Coordinator - John Godino
Webmaster - John Godino
Newsletter Archives (on Google Drive)
Ocad Map Files - (Password required. Password hint - CROC house combo)
Forms (on Google Drive)
Membership application and renewal
Expense reimbursement form
Informal or training event waiver form
Club Policies (travel grant info and more)
Meet Director Corner (several files on Google Drive)
Mapping Info and ISOM/ISSOM standards (several files on Google Drive)
How to set up the e-punch and thermal printer (pdf)
How to use the thermal printer and download station at a meet (pdf)
FAQ about the SPORTident timing system (from Scarborough Orienteering)
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