Advance online registration is required for this event.
Quick info
Advanced online registration required, deadline March 27, 9:00pm
Courses: Five different courses for all skill levels.
Times: Map handout opens at 10:30. Start your course anytime between 11:00am and 1:00 pm. All courses close at 3 pm.
This is the first event in our 2025 Classic Series competition! Take the best 4 of 5 races throughout the season and see how you compare to others in your category! More information on the 2025 Classic Series page.
Everyone welcome, members, nonmembers, families, pets, and youth groups.
Courses set by: Mike Holliday and Anndy Wiselogle
Event director: Bjorn Freeman-Benson
Event Overview
Stub Stewart State Park is hilly and very forested and one of the meet director’s favorite local maps. The navigational and physical challenges for this event are higher than our typical local CROC meets, so choose your course with this in mind, and start early, especially for the advanced courses.
The park map has been substantially updated this year! This year’s advanced courses will make use of a newly mapped area and areas re-mapped for forest thinning, thanks to Mike Bruns, Nick Appelmans and Bjorn Freeman-Benson.
We use an electronic scoring and timing system known as “e-punch”. Each entry or team needs to have an e-punch stick. If you don't have your own e-punch stick, the rental cost is included in your registration fee. Using e-punch is easy. You can learn how at the event, or read about e-punch here.
CROC thanks our land management partner Oregon State Parks and Aaron Raines, our incredibly supportive Stub Stewart Park Manager.
Preliminary Course Distance / Climb (color codes)
White: Beginner 2.7 km / 55m; 1:5000 scale
Yellow: Beginner / Intermediate 3.0 km / 70m; 1:5000 scale
Orange: Intermediate 3.8 km / 100m; 1:7500 scale
Brown: Advanced Short 3.1 km / 90m; 1:7500 scale
Green: Advanced Medium 4.3 km / 185m; 1:7500 scale
New to Orientering? Welcome!
Our events are open to both members and non-members. Beginners, families and dogs are welcome.
Have a look at our “New to O?” webpage, which covers just about every question you may have.
At most events, we offer free beginner clinics (they take about 10 minutes) to teach you everything you need to know. These are typically at half-hour intervals; choose your time slot on the registration page.
If you'd like to get reminders about upcoming events, sign up at our newsletter page. (No more than a couple of emails per month, we promise!)
Thanks for coming out and trying something new, we think you'll like it!
Beginner clinics: 11:00 am and 11:30 am. Choose your preferred time when you register.
Course starts: anytime between 11:00 am - 1 pm
All courses close: 3:00 pm (controls will be picked up). Everybody must punch in at the finish and download their times even if they do not finish their course. This is how we make sure that everyone returns safely.
Venue Notes
This venue is a very hilly, forest park with lots of vegetation and stumps from past logging operations.
The Orange/Brown/Green courses are more physically challenging than most of our local events. The off-trail areas of the park are typically full of vegetation and/or debris from forest thinning operations and one must step carefully. Route choice will affect the off trail distance for a course but some off-trail time will be required. There is minimal blackberry or other thorny vegetation. Leg and arm coverings and gaiters are recommended.
Park ONLY in designated areas. Do not park along the side of the road, you probably will get a ticket, no fun. If the main day use parking area is full, continue about half a mile farther to the overflow Clayhill Horse Staging parking area. Park along the side of that area and leave the center area open for horse trailers.
If you often take more than 2 hours to do your course, please start between 11 am and noon to be sure that you finish BEFORE 3 pm. We recommend that anyone running an advanced course start before noon.
Registration and other costs
Park Fee: Oregon State Parks charges $10 for day use, $30 for a 12 month pass and $50 for a 24 month pass. The day pass fee may be paid at either the welcome center (one mile after entering the park) or at the "iron ranger" fee box in each parking lot (exact change required.)
Event Cost
$17 base price - individuals
$22 base price - groups of 2 or more
- Subtract $5 if you’re a member or CROC or other O-club (Join CROC)
- Subtract $5 if you have your own e-punch (Buy your own epunch)
Livelox: GPS tracking and route reviewing tool
CROC uses Livelox, which is an interactive web based tool that enables you to see your exact route/track on the orienteering map, and compare them with other competitors.
All CROC events are put on by volunteers, and the meet director can almost always use some extra hands. Please keep in mind:
No prior experience is needed for many of the tasks
You can help out AND still run your course of choice
Typical ways to assist are: helping with starts and finishes, handing out maps, and picking up control flags after the course closes. Typical shifts are one hour.
If you'd like to help, you can choose a task and time shift when you register online. Thanks!
Results are posted to the Events & Results web page a day or two after the event.
Driving directions and location
Latitude longitude coordinates of the event: 45.7414, -123.1864
Copy/paste these coordinates into Google or your smartphone mapping app to get a map and driving directions to the event.