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Winter Workshop - Meet Directing

The Mysteries of Meet Direction

An orienteering meet looks complicated, but with organization and some good volunteer help, it can be a lot of fun! This participatory workshop is to learn or review all the skills a meet director needs to host on a successful local orienteering meet.

Whether you’re experienced or new to meet directing, we’ll be learning from the group and your input will be valuable. Includes a draft timeline, what equipment to bring, and the updated system for e-punch results. Bring your biggest worry (if you have one), and your favorite piece of advice for a meet director. We’ll be learning from each other. CROC has a lot of events planned for the coming year, and we would love to see some fresh faces stepping up to run some of the events.

For CROC members only. Please RSVP to Anndy Wiselogle by February 24 so she knows how many copies to make, and so you know the location.

Also, CROC has a handy document, Meet Director Guidelines, on the website. It's good to review this before you attend, hint hint.  =^)

February 18

CROC Members Training-Reed Canyon-partners

March 4

Champoeg State Park Night-O